accounting for that type of homosexual who used to be called an "invert" and which would probably now be encompassed by the word transsexual. Such an in- dividual is anatomically, but not psychologically a male and may be actually unable to carry out normal male reproductive proceedures. But cross dressing does not have any anatomic basis nor is it a repro- duction-related activity. More over it is not the cross dressing itself that distinguishes the FP since this pattern is also found in fetishists, masochists (punishment addicts), homosexuals, trans- sexuals and some heterosexual non-TV bank robbers, etc. What is unique to a real FP is the awareness of, response to, and experience with the "girl within". As this is entirely a socially induced conception, due to the polarization of society into masculine and feminine areas, it cannot have any but the most general neuro-cerebral roots. It is, in my opinion, wishful thinking (the same sort of "put the blame somewhere else" attitude referred to earlier) to try to squeeze into the type of exper- imental results we have been considering, any kind of explanation for the phenomonon of femiphilia emotional cross dressing if you will. The animal experiments performed so far deal only in anatomic development and reproductive behaviour. They can- not be extroplated to human gender problems as there is no equivalent of these in lower animals.
Moreover, when you consider the variety of ways in which the daily behaviour of males and females is carried on in various primitive cultures-- some in which the roles are like ours with the man dominant, others in which the women run things and still others where neither seems to take any precidence, cultures in which men decorate themselves, wear flowers in their hair, walk arm in arm, dance together (non- homosexually), are sensitive, non-warlike, community minded, very nurturing towards children--in short all the behaviours that we tend to associate with femininity and femaleness--it seems almost imposs- ible to me to find anything other than an environ-